Youth Day 2014 sign-up have begun

What is Youth Day?

Youth Day is held annually on the Thursday of the Religious Education Congress weekend. It is a day just for youth from many different backgrounds from throughout the Archdiocese – and beyond – to participate in a Rally, Liturgy and Workshops focused just for them.  Youth day 2014 is Thursday March 13. This is a school sponsored event and is an excused day off from school

Who May Attend?

Youth Day is designed for all students, grades 9 through 12.

What Does Youth Day Cost?

Youth Day costs $50 for the day. This includes admission and bus transportation.

How do I sign up for Youth Day?

Step 1: Get you permission slip from the student life office and have it signed by a parent

Step 2: Choose 3 workshops to attend (on Student Life door)

Step 3: Pay $50 to business office via cash, check or credit card

Step 4: Staple receipt from business office to your permission slip

Step 5: turn in the form and receipt to Mr. McGuis

Where can I get more information about Youth Day?