Department Overview

Science Department Overview
Mr. Kim Robinson, Science Department Chair
The mission of St. Anthony High School is to provide an affordable, co-educational college preparatory Catholic education to students from diverse cultural and economic backgrounds in the Long Beach area, through spiritual, academic and extra-curricular programs that enable them to become productive members of a complex technological and global society.
The mission of the SAHS Science Department is to provide students with a science education rich in knowledge, experimentation, and critical thinking. The aim is to give students the foundation that will allow them to intellectually question and investigate the makeup of the universe and life on this planet. Also, students are given an ethical basis for weighing in on controversial topics in science.
SAHS Science Department ESLRs (Expected Schoolwide Learning Results)
Spiritually Enriched
The Science Department ensures that students participate in daily prayer in our classes. This is increasingly important in a world where science and religion are considered to be polar opposites. We also consistently strive to expose our students to ethical debates pertaining to our faith and how they fit into the scientific world.
Academically Ready
Our department covers many facets of academia: lab reports, statistical data, and comprehensive exams. In addition, we encourage investigation and inquiry, and we look for ways to intersect our discipline with other subject matter, such as history, mathematics, and language.
Intellectually Equipped
In science classes, projects and opportunities for research are given to students to enhance their learning and understanding of scientific topics. We also encourage critical thinking by giving them open-ended questions to explore so that they can arrive at the answers organically.
Naturally Expressive
Our department takes advantage of oral reports, which allow students to express themselves to their classmates and teach their peers about a topic. Also, class discussions are used often to tackle challenging topics, giving students a chance to speak up on the subject.
Technologically Prepared
Science classes feature research via the internet, use of light microscopes, calculation of data and display via programs like Excel, and PowerPoint presentations.
Socially Conscious
The science teachers want students to realize how their actions affect society and the environment. Also, democracy requires an educated citizenry and environmental consciousness. Our students will receive exposure to ethical topics pertaining to science and their world, which will prepare them for future challenges in life.